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Equity In Action

No two healthcare organizations are the same. So, while the services work for any healthcare organization the developed solutions are customized to fit your needs. 

Check Out Our Case Studies

DEI and Health Equity initiatives begin with an overall assessment of the organizations readiness to take action. Check out this video to learn two ways  a healthcare startup was able to assess readiness for change initiatives.

It is essential to the success of initiatives that you incorporate measurements.  With this healthcare startup they were able to  implement a traditional micro-agressions training but include evaluation using Kirkpatricks Four Levels of Evaluation.

Commit to Action with Our Services




The first level of our "AIR" framework is a comprehensive qualitative and quantitative assessment.  This includes an equity report and identification of basic strategies. 


The second level of our framework includes the previous assessment + assistance with integrating 2-3 equity initiatives into current business strategies focusing on growth, outcomes, and culture


This includes the prior two levels + reevaluation to continue to look for opportunities to improve and scale your initiatives.  

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All Hands In

Let's Put Equity into Action!

 Equity is your COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE when you put it into ACTION.   Ready to commit to action.  Book Your FREE Consultatation Today. 

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